You’re Invited: Communities, Climate Change, and Health Equity — A New Vision October 7, 2021

Please join PSR’s Barbara Gottlieb and many outstanding allies for the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine’s virtual workshop entitled “Communities, Climate Change, and Health Equity — A New Vision.”

This virtual workshop will bring together people with lived experience, environmental health experts including Gottlieb, resilience practitioners, and climate scientists to outline the disproportionate impact that climate change has on communities experiencing health disparities and environmental injustice. The workshop will address three critical questions: Where are we now? How did we get here? Where do we want to go?

We particularly invite you to the visioning session, “What climate future do we want to work toward?” Gottlieb and other speakers will describe the policies, programs and next steps needed to build the world we wish to see. Join us for this illuminating session, Tuesday, October 12, 2:05 – 3:50 pm Eastern.


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