Your Guide to Hydrogen Energy in Colorado September 21, 2024

Yellow Scene Magazine

Hydrogen also poses health risks, particularly for people with preexisting health conditions like asthma or COPD, children, the elderly, and pregnant people, said Lauren Swain, coordinator for Colorado Physicians for Social Responsibility.
Swain added that these risks need to be effectively considered and communicated when proposing and developing new hydrogen projects, particularly since the consequences typically disproportionately impact vulnerable communities.
“They aren’t able to effectively resist or even become informed of the threats,” Swain said. “Anytime heavy industry comes into being, there’s a threat that disproportionately impacted communities will not be able to be fully informed or give full consent.”
Swain said these community impacts recently came to light with a proposed Xcel Clean Heat Plan to mix hydrogen with natural gas to heat buildings in Hudson, Colorado.

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