Welcome, Dusty Horwitt! September 17, 2020
PSR is delighted to announce that Dusty Horwitt has joined our team as a consultant to research and write two reports on dangerous chemicals used in oil and gas drilling and hydraulic fracking.
Horwitt, an attorney, has deep knowledge of these chemicals. He worked as Senior Counsel at the Partnership for Policy Integrity, where he led an investigation of EPA’s regulation of oil and gas chemicals and authored the organization’s reports on the use of “secret” or undisclosed fracking chemicals in Ohio and Pennsylvania. PSR assisted in editing and rolling out those reports.
Horwitt worked for a decade at the nonprofit organizations Environmental Working Group and Earthworks, where he researched and disseminated information related to chemical risks from oil and gas drilling. In 2011, Horwitt authored a detailed investigation of EPA’s conclusion in a 1987 report to Congress that hydraulic fracturing can—and did—contaminate groundwater.
Other relevant experience includes testifying about gas drilling and fracturing risks in New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Washington, DC.
Horwitt’s reports and investigations have received media coverage in the New York Times, Dallas Morning News, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Charleston Gazette, and ProPublica.
He has also testified on metal mining reform before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Natural Resources and the U.S. Senate’s Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.
Earlier, Horwitt worked as a reporter at the City News Bureau of Chicago and as a congressional staff member. He graduated from Brown University with a B.A. in History and holds a J.D. from Georgetown University.