Urge your U.S. Representative: Support RECA! April 26, 2024

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The Time To Act Is Now

Even without a nuclear war, the development and testing of nuclear weapons — as well as uranium mining — have caused great harm to Americans.  And now, a step toward justice is within reach for thousands of people who have been affected by radiation exposure and need help. 

The existing Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) will expire in June unless Congress takes action. Fortunately, Senators Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Ben Ray Lujan (D-NM) successfully lined up bipartisan support for legislation to not only extend RECA, but expand it. Their S. 3853 (Radiation Exposure Compensation Reauthorization Act) was adopted by the Senate on March 7 with a vote of 69 to 30.

The Biden Administration has already signaled its support for S. 3853. Therefore, the fate of RECA extension and expansion is now in the hands of the House of Representatives, where a vote is expected soon.

Key Features of S. 3853 include:

  • Extension of RECA by 6 years.
  • Expansion of downwinder eligibility areas, including ID, MT, CO, NM, NV, AZ, UT, and Guam.
  • Inclusion of certain communities in MO, AK, TN, and KY exposed to nuclear waste and/or contaminants from production sites.
  • Inclusion of Chronic lymphocytic leukemia, chronic kidney illnesses for uranium miners, and more.
  • A grant program for studying the impacts of uranium mining.
  • Increased compensation for affected individuals.

Immediate Action Steps:

  • Email Your U.S. Representative — Click the Take Action button below to send a message to your U.S.  Representative
  • For Even More Impact, Call Your Representative’s Office: Call the Congressional switchboard to connect with a staffer at your Representative’s office to urge the member of Congress to support RECA — (202) 224-3121.
  • Spread the Word: Share this information with your networks. Working together, we can accomplish this.

Your support and timely action can make a substantial difference in the lives of many. Thank you for fighting for justice.

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