Tell EPA to Protect us from Methane Leaks from Oil and Gas Wells January 25, 2023

This action alert is no longer active

We know that the climate crisis is reaching a breaking point. We must urgently reduce emissions of methane, one of the key drivers of climate change. 

Last November, President Biden issued an updated draft rule to cut methane and other harmful pollutants from new and existing oil and gas operations. The updated rule is an important step towards addressing the climate crisis, safeguarding public health, and creating new jobs in the methane mitigation industry.

Still, there is more work to do to ensure that the strongest possible methane safeguards are quickly finalized. The EPA is accepting comments on this updated draft rule and a comment from you would go a long way. 

This comment period is a critical opportunity for YOU to make your voice heard and demand that EPA adopts strong, comprehensive methane safeguards to protect our health and our planet.

Please submit brief comments asking EPA to strengthen the rule. You can find guidance to help you write a comment below.

The EPA public comment period is open now and ends on Monday, February 13.  

EPA considers the number of individual comments they receive on a rule, so your comment, even if brief, will be counted. Make your voice heard. 

Thank you for helping protect the climate from leaking methane!

Take Action

Please send a brief message to EPA thanking them for proposing a rule to reduce methane emissions, but telling them it needs to be stronger. 

Here are some suggestions for asking the EPA to strengthen the rule. Put your message in your own words.

  • Limit flaring of gas  to only those instances in which it is necessary for safety or maintenance reasons.
  • Strengthen the standards to address emissions from storage tanks. 
  • Provide a clear pathway for participation in the Super Emitter Response Program.

Note: Any personal information you submit may be publicly visible on the EPA docket.

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