Tell Congress: Fund disaster relief! December 4, 2024

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Emergency funding is desperately needed in regions across the country that have experienced disasters, some of which were worsened because of climate change. With unprecedented hurricane damage in places like Asheville, North Carolina, FEMA’s budget to continue supporting impacted communities and for any future disasters in 2024 has been decimated.

While government funding for FY2025 is in flux, Congress should prioritize funding the communities that need it most and the agencies that will assist them in rebuilding.

The backlog for disaster funding dates back to over a year ago, making a supplemental funding package all that more urgent. President Biden has requested nearly $100 billion in assistance from Congress. These funds would help to rebuild and strengthen infrastructure like roads, schools, businesses, and healthcare systems.

The impacts of climate change are being felt now and we must act accordingly. Contact your Members of Congress today and urge them to pass disaster relief funding that supports those impacted and helps us to prepare for the future.

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