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Updated NFU Fact Sheet (2021)

No First Use Fact Sheet

Fact sheet from PSR on the No First Use Act, which would restrict the United States from using nuclear weapons except in response to a nuclear attack.

PSR photo

5 Things You Should Know about Climate Change

PSR summarizes the essential health impacts and policy solutions you need to know to fight climate change.

Heat Pump Infographic

Heat Pump Infographic

Learn how replacing your gas-burning appliances with electrically-powered alternatives, like induction stoves and electric heat pumps, is good for your health and the climate. Infographic by PSR/Philadelphia.

Microsoft Word PSR New START Fact Sheet.docx

PSR Fact Sheet on New START Treaty

PSR Fact Sheet on New START Treaty (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty), which was ratified in 2010.

Back from the Brink: A Call to Prevent Nuclear War

Many local and national organizations have endorsed the “Back from the Brink” resolution. Introduce this resolution at your church, synagogue, civic group, medical association, university, or municipality.

PSR Solar Energy Fact Sheet

A new PSR fact sheet on solar energy.

PSR Fact Sheet Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy and Health

New fact sheet from PSR on the health benefits of renewable energy.

Fact Sheet "Climate And Health: Storms And Sea Level"

Climate and Health: Storms and Sea Level

A fact sheet from PSR on how climate worsens extreme weather.

Fracking Compendium Promotional Graphics

PSR and Concerned Health Professionals of New York’s newest edition of the fracking “Compendium” summarizes fracking’s dangerous impacts on health. View and share these promotional graphics for the Compendium.

PSR Fact Sheet On Low Yield Nuclear Weapons FINAL

Fact Sheet on “Low-Yield” Nuclear Weapons

Fact sheet on “low-yield” nuclear weapons and why PSR opposes them.