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PSR: First Year Of The Russian War In Ukraine

First Year of the Russian War in Ukraine: Humanitarian Impacts

PSR report compiling the humanitarian impacts that the Russian War has had this past year in Ukraine.

People Over Pentagon Letter to President Biden on Pentagon Budget

Letter to President Biden on the Pentagon Budget, signed by National PSR and PSR chapters.

ENGLISH Nuclear Famine Report Final

Nuclear Famine: Even a “limited” nuclear war would cause abrupt climate disruption and global starvation

Even a “limited” nuclear war would cause abrupt climate disruption and global starvation.

Nuclear Famine Report: Key Takeaways

Nuclear Famine Report: Key Takeaways

Infographic from PSR summarizing the new report on nuclear famine from a Rutgers University-led international team.

Joint Health Statement 1MSP TPNW 1 May 2022 A4

Joint International Health Statement for the 1st Meeting of States Parties of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

Joint statement from international health federations including International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, PSR’s international affiliate, ahead of the First Meeting of State Parties, taking place June 2022.

Webinar: What can the nuclear weapons abolition movement learn from other social justice movements?

Webinar on what the nuclear community can learn from other social justice movements as we advocate for the abolition of nuclear weapons and work towards a peaceful, equitable, and just society.

Updated NFU Fact Sheet (2021)

No First Use Fact Sheet

Fact sheet from PSR on the No First Use Act, which would restrict the United States from using nuclear weapons except in response to a nuclear attack.

Legality of Nuclear Weapons

PSR intern Nicolas-Francois Perron-Giroux researched and wrote these reports on Nuclear Weapons-Free zones, the production/possession, testing, disposal, use of nuclear weapons, and also defense alliances like NATO.

Microsoft Word PSR New START Fact Sheet.docx

PSR Fact Sheet on New START Treaty

PSR Fact Sheet on New START Treaty (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty), which was ratified in 2010.

Back from the Brink: A Call to Prevent Nuclear War

Many local and national organizations have endorsed the “Back from the Brink” resolution. Introduce this resolution at your church, synagogue, civic group, medical association, university, or municipality.