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Letter Opposing Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for HHS

Letter from PSR and allied health organizations to the Senate Finance Committee, opposing the nomination of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for Secretary of Health and Human Services, citing his lack…

Stop Corporate Capture Letter

Letter to Congress signed by PSR and partner groups in support of the Stop Corporate Capture Act, which would codify the recently overturned Chevron deference and restore federal agencies’ ability to use their expertise to protect the public.

Health Org Comments Cms Climate

Health Organization Letter to Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services on Climate and Health

Letter to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services signed by health organizations including PSR, in support of an initiative to improve the health system’s climate resilience and sustainability.

FY25 Letter on Asthma Funding

Letter to Congress urging an increase in funding for the life-saving National Asthma Control Program.

Gas Stove Pollution Fact Sheet General Public

Contaminación por Estufas de Gas

PSR’s Gas Stove Pollution Fact Sheet is now available in Spanish.

Health Harms From Gas Stoves Hp Spanish

Contaminación por Estufas de Gas para profesionales de la salud

PSR’s Gas Stove Pollution Fact Sheet for Health Professionals is now available in Spanish.

Gas Stove Pollution Health Professionals

Gas Stove Pollution Fact Sheet for Health Professionals

PSR’s new fact sheet for health professionals describes the health effects of gas stove pollutants and how to help your patients reduce their risk of exposure.

Letter Supporting the People’s Response Act

Letter signed by PSR and partner groups, asking members of Congress to support the People’s Response Act, which would promote public health and community safety with non-carceral solutions.

CDC Budget Letter

Letter to members of Congress on the House and Senate Appropriations Committees urging adequate funding for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the FY 2022 budget.

Climate Psychiatry 101

Climate Psychiatry 101

Climate change can affect mental health and increase stress, violence, and suicide. From our partners at the Climate Psychiatry Alliance.