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Microsoft Word US Call To Action FINAL.docx

U.S. Call to Action on Climate, Health, and Equity: A Policy Action Agenda

PSR joined with 73 other health and medical organizations to call on U.S . health leaders and policymakers at all government levels to take urgent action to address the climate health emergency.

Compressor Public Safety Report

Flammable, High-Pressure Industry in a Populated Coastal Flood Zone?

This new report from Greater Boston PSR examines the public safety and emergency response aspects of a proposed compressor station in a populated coastal flood zone.

Trudeau Letter

Letter to Justin Trudeau: Climate Leadership Means Saying No to Pipelines

PSR along with over 230 civil society groups from 44 countries sent a letter to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, urging him to reject the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline project.


PSR Policy on Carbon Pricing

Physicians for Social Responsibility urges the United States to adopt a carbon price on fossil fuels to control global emissions of carbon dioxide and methane, the chief causes of global climate change.

Most Vulnerable Populations

Most Vulnerable Populations

Certain populations are more impacted by toxic chemical exposures than others. And they need greater protection from dangerous chemicals.

Public Health Social Justice

Public Health and Social Justice

Articles and open-access slide shows, syllabi, and other documents relevant to topics in public health and social justice, especially covering environmental health and war and peace.

How Fracking Harms Communities

How Fracking Harms Communities

Jill Kriesky, PhD on socioeconomic change and human stress associated with shale gas extraction.

Hazardous Chemicals In Health Care

Hazardous Chemicals in Health Care

This report, produced by PSR in partnership with American Nurses Association (ANA) and Health Care Without Harm (HCWH), details the first investigation ever of chemicals found in the bodies of health care professionals.


PSR Policy on Health Care Reform in the United States

Access to comprehensive health care is a human right. It is the responsibility of society, through its government, to ensure this right.