Webinar: Health Risks of Nuclear Power March 29, 2018
As PSR chapters promote the transition to clean renewable energy, some are finding that nuclear power is being proposed as renewable. This webinar explores exactly why nuclear is not clean, not safe and not renewable.
Citations for Damon Motz-Storey’s slides
EIA – Nuclear Energy Explained
Nuclear Regulatory Commission – United States Operating Power Reactors 2017
NRC inspection verifies Richland nuclear plant security concerns
King 5 News – “It was complete chaos” says Hanford worker who inhaled plutonium
Robert H. Socolow & Alexander Glaser, Balancing risks: nuclear energy & climate change 2009
Nuclear Threat Initiative – Pakistan’s Nuclear Weapons
Lazard Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis 2017
The Ecologist: Nuclear power is not “low carbon”
Citations for Mary Olson’s slides
CODE of FEDERAL REGULATIONS: Chapter 10, Part 20, 1301 (Subpart D—Radiation Dose Limits for Individual Members of the Public) and 1302 — Compliance with dose limits for individual members of the public.
Healthy from the Start – Information on radiation harm tied to age and biological sex
German study of leukemia clusters near nuclear power stations
IPPNW report of leaked DATA on leaked radioactivity
Causes and effects of childhood leukemia – Ian Fairlie, additional analysis, showing TRITIUM is the bad-actor
Powerful new study shows radiogenic risks – Ian Fairlie, additional analysis, showing TRITIUM is the bad-actor
Radioactive spikes at nuclear power stations – Fairlie’s original post on this issue
See also Fairlie’s peer-review paper: JENR4334_proof ■ 9 September 2013 ■ 1/8
Gender and Radiation Archives – Mary Olson papers on gender and radiation – Mary Olson papers on gender and radiation
Isao Hashimoto: film called 1945—1998 – Counting all the nuclear detonations.