War in Ukraine Toolkit June 22, 2023
- White House Comment Line: 202-456-1111 (Tues-Thurs, 11am to 3pm Eastern)
- PSR action alert: Tell Biden: No More Playing Games With Our Lives
- Quotable quotes from PSR leaders on Ukraine and nuclear weapons risks
- Use this link to send the PSR Statement on the Escalating Nuclear Threat in Ukraine to politicians, friends, colleagues, family: - Top Tips for Writing and Placing Letters-to-the-Editor
- Top Tips for Writing and Placing Op-Eds
- Op-ed by PSR Board Member Matt Bivens MD in The Nation: “Now is Not the Time to Playact Nuclear War”
- Op-ed by PSR Board Member Bob Dodge MD in Common Dreams: “60 Years After the Cuban Missile Crisis — Nuclear War Risk Remains”
- Back from the Brink coalition website:
- ICAN resource: Dealing with Nuclear Anxiety
ICAN = Intl. Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, recipient of the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize - Basic education on nuclear weapons:
- Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Nowhere to Hide: How a Nuclear War Would Kill You and Almost Everyone Else
- 9 minute animated video from Kurzgesadt (In a Nutshell) and Red Cross & Red Crescent Movement What if We Nuke a City?
- Mombasa Appeal for Peace and Prevention of Nuclear War