Op-ed in Common Dreams co-authored by Dr. Robert Dodge, PSR-Los Angeles co-president
Daily Hampshire Gazette article quoting PSR Past President Ira Helfand, MD.
Op-ed in the San Francisco Chronicle by Bret Andrews, DO, SF Bay PSR Board Member.
Article in The Acorn quoting PSR-Los Angeles’ Denise Duffield.
Op-ed in The Kansas City Star by PSR Board Member Ann Suellentrop, MSRN.
Article in Washington State Standard quoting PSR President Dr. Mark Vossler.
Letter to the editor from Joan Rothlein, PhD, Healthy Climate Action Team, Oregon PSR.
Physicians group warns against propping up biodiesel as part of Massachusetts’ clean heat transition
Coverage in Energy News Network of Greater Boston PSR’s new report on biodiesel.
PSR’s Dr. Bob Dodge and IPPNW’s Michael Crist authored letters to the editor in response to a recent editorial on U.S. nuclear weapons policy
Op-ed by Raymond Graap, MD, PSR Arizona board member, in the Arizona Daily Star
The violence in the region, coupled with Israel’s possession of a nuclear arsenal, presents a precarious situation with profound implications.
Physicians for Social Responsibility is deeply disappointed in the EPA’s decision to delay updating the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for Ozone.
Over 100 medical journals issued a resounding call for immediate action — drafted by IPPNW — to mitigate the escalating threat of nuclear war and accelerate the elimination of nuclear weapons.
PSR firmly opposes this transfer and the use of indiscriminate weapons by any country, regardless of combat circumstances. These weapons are inconsistent with public health and international law.
PSR recently launched a search for our next Executive Director. This is a unique opportunity to assume a leadership role in an organization with a 62-year history of working to abolish nuclear weapons and a 26-year history of working to protect human health from the grave threats of climate change.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a set of proposed rules that would curb emissions of carbon pollution from new and existing coal and gas plants. Read our statement.
PSR’s latest report on toxic PFAS chemicals in fracking spotlights New Mexico. Eighty percent of state residents get their drinking water from groundwater, making these “forever” chemicals particularly risky.
PSR is a proud supporter of the People Over Pentagon bill, and firmly believes that a $100 billion reduction in military spending is the minimum we must cut if we are to transform our society from a war economy to a sustainable economy of community care.
We are pleased to announce that W. Taylor Carneiro-Johnson will become Interim Executive Director of Physicians for Social Responsibility in Washington, DC, on March 25, 2023.
Threats to public health created by such environmental disasters are all too common. And in most cases, we find public health and safety is compromised for the sake of corporate profit.