More Than Refrigerators: Energy Star for the Entire Office & Home April 29, 2024
We all recognize the Energy Star logo on refrigerators and other appliances. But PSR readers may not know that Energy Star is a great tool for the entire healthcare office to save energy and money. This month, the PSR’s My Green Doctor explains in a ten-minute blog how to use the new Energy Star tools created for healthcare: “More Than Refrigerators”.
My Green Doctor is a free money-saving membership benefit from Physicians for Social Responsibility. Members use the “Meeting-by-Meeting Guide” to learn how to adopt environmental sustainability, save resources, mitigate climate change, and help create healthier communities. The program adds just five minutes to each regular office staff meeting or weekly office “huddle”, making small changes at each meeting that over time really add up. Everyone in your practice can register as Partner Society members at or at (si, en espanol). Use the discount code MGDPSR to get full free access to My Green Doctor, save $60 instantly, and save $1000s in the first year. Register today and watch the “Three Minute Video” that explains how easy it is to add My Green Doctor to your next agenda. You can do this!