Make your voting plan today! October 9, 2024
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Election day is only weeks away on Tuesday, November 5th! With such limited time to prepare, it’s time to make a voting plan if you don’t already have one. Research shows that creating a plan, including all of the logistics involved, and visualizing how the process will play out makes a person more likely to vote.
Most states have several options for both how and when you can vote. Check out VOTE411’s Voting Plan resource to see all of your options, research candidates and ballot measures, and more!
Now that you’re thinking about the voting process, please share your plan with us! This exercise helps to truly envision the process and potentially consider some aspects of voting that may have slipped your mind otherwise. Once you submit, you’ll receive a copy of your plan in your inbox so that you can refer back to it between now and Election Day.
Countless issues are on the ballot this November at all levels of government and your voice will be crucial in shaping a just future where peace, our environment, and health are prioritized. The most important thing to do now that you have a plan, is encourage others to do the same.
Thank you for taking the time to promote civic health.
If you’re interested in helping Get Out The Vote (GOTV), sign up for PSR’s Civic Health Team to receive a toolkit with multiple ways to engage including opportunities for direct voter contact with our partners.