Leading Health Experts from Physicians for Social Responsibility Testify at Oct. 1 EPA Hearing in Chicago October 2, 2018

Yesterday, a group of our health experts from Chicago PSR and PSR Wisconsin testified against President Donald Trump and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler’s plan to move forward with dismantling the Clean Power Plan (CPP), which set the first-ever federal limits on carbon pollution from power plants.

President Trump and Acting Administrator Wheeler’s proposal would exacerbate climate change, expose millions of Americans to harmful air pollution, and place the health and safety of communities across the country at risk. The EPA’s own analysis concluded that the proposed replacement plan could result in thousands of premature deaths each year.

Dr. Sarah Lovinger, Executive Director of Chicago PSR, (who also testified) states in this WTTW article that the proposed changes to the Clean Power Plan would:

“…have drastic implications for EPA’s ability to protect communities from the urgent threat of climate change…” 

At the hearing, Dr. Peter Orris, Chicago Physicians for Social Responsibility Board President, strongly expresses his opposition to EPA’s proposal:

As a physician pledged to my patients’ and the public’s health, I strongly oppose the proposed step backward in our efforts to reduce toxic air pollution represented by this partial gutting of the Clean Power Plan.” (Read Dr. Orris’ full testimony here)

While Dr. Susan Buchanan, Chicago Physicians for Social Responsibility Board Member, observes how she has:

“… seen firsthand the effects of air quality on our patients… [and was] thrilled to see President Obama’s efforts to improve conditions for our patients. I strongly urge USEPA to continue with implementation of the Clean Power Plan.” (Read Dr. Buchanan’s full testimony here)

And, Dr. Claire Gervais, Family Practitioner, Physicians for Social Responsibility Wisconsin & Co-President Wisconsin Environmental Health Network, highlights the health impacts of climate change:

“… including heat injuries, increased vector borne diseases including West Nile and Zika viruses, increased asthma and allergies, and mental health issues due to displacement of populations.” (Read Dr. Gervais’ full testimony here)

Finally, PSR Student member, Eric Sullivan, fourth year medical student at the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, makes an eloquent appeal as a future physician by imploring the EPA:

“…to limit the opportunities I will have to fail, and spare the child her death and her family that devastating loss.”

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