Coal and Coal Ash

The Deadly Impacts of Coal on Communities

For decades, since the start of PSR’s environment and health program, examining and educating the public and elected officials regarding potential health impacts of coal and coal ash served as a core priority for PSR. Our advocacy efforts made a great impact in the efforts to counter misleading reports by coal industry lobbyists and combat new coal projects that would threaten nearby communities.

PSR’s seminal reports, including “Coal’s Assault on Human Health,” continue to serve as definitive resources on potential health impacts associated with coal and coal ash to this day. PSR chapters and supporters in and near coal country continue to fight to raise awareness of the devastating, deadly impacts of coal and coal ash on human health.

Local Chapter Work

Some PSR chapters continue to do vital work regarding coal issues at the local and state levels.

PSR chapters working on coal issues:

PSR Arizona: Clean, Safe, Renewable Energy
Chicago PSR: Coal-fired Power Plants & Health
Oregon PSR: Coal Export
Washington PSR: Coal

Child with asthma inhaler

Coal’s Assault on Human Health

November 2009

PSR's groundbreaking medical report takes a new look at the devastating impacts of coal on the human body.

Latest Coal News & Actions

We must act to curb black lung disease

Letter to the editor from PSR Pennsylvania’s Dr. Robert Little in the Patriot-News.

Read More about We must act to curb black lung disease

EPA reaffirms vital regulation of mercury from power plants

The US EPA reaffirmed that it is “appropriate and necessary” to regulate mercury and hazardous air pollutants from power plants, reinstating an earlier EPA position reversed by the Trump administration.

Read More about EPA reaffirms vital regulation of mercury from power plants