In 75 Hiroshima & Nagasaki commemorations across the country, Americans strengthen the nuclear taboo August 25, 2023

Lanterns afloat on Green Lake. Photo credit: Nancy Dickeman

Do you think this would be a good moment to strengthen the “nuclear taboo”? You’re not alone! Seventy-eight years after the atomic attacks against Hiroshima (August 6) and Nagasaki (August 9), PSR tracked 75 diverse commemoration events spread across 21 states and DC, most of them in-person events.   In solidarity with commemorations in Japan and around the world, Americans turned out in support of justice, peace, and keeping the nuclear taboo intact. Hiroshima-Nagasaki, Never Again!   

Each summer, PSR keeps a comprehensive calendar listing of all the events around the country, to boost turnout and help the organizers know they are part of a nationwide effort. If you participated in one of these in-person or virtual events, thank you! Thanks also to intrepid Nuclear Weapons Abolition Program intern Orlando Bell, who tracked down all the events.

At least 10 PSR chapters organized or co-sponsored commemoration events. See below for event photos.

In this NBC news clip, Patricia Ellsberg speaks about her dearly departed husband Daniel, with San Francisco Bay PSR President Bob Gould, MD in support (black “No More Hiroshimas” t-shirt). The Aug. 4 “Dismantle the Doomsday Machine” event outside Livermore Labs in CA commemorated Hiroshima & Nagasaki and honored the life of Daniel Ellsberg.

Ann Suellentrop MSRN, Program Director for PSR-Kansas City at the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Commemoration, Loose Park Pond, Kansas City, MO Photo credit: Jim Hannah/KC Peaceworks
PSR Board member Gwen DuBois, MD (in center with hat) and her Prevent Nuclear War Maryland colleagues, August 9 Nuclear War Awareness Town Hall, Baltimore
Washington PSR board members Ken Lans, MD and Joe Berkson, MD show off the WPSR booth, From Hiroshima to Hope, August 6 at Green Lake in Seattle. Photo credit: Sean Arent
From Hiroshima to Hope, Green Lake, Seattle. Photo credit: Laura Skelton
On August 5, Sean Arent, Nuclear Weapons Abolition Program Manager at Washington PSR, leads the chant “No more wars against the poor!” at the gate to Naval Base Kitsap Bangor, homeport to 10 Trident submarines. Members of Washington Against Nuclear Weapons rallied behind their banner “Resist Trident, Deploy Peace.”
Constructing lanterns at Lanterns for Peace, Madison, Wisconsin. “PSR-WI says: NEVER AGAIN” Photo credit: Joshua Abrahams
Lanterns for Peace in Madison, Wisconsin Photo credit: Joshua Abrahams
Lanterns for Peace in Madison, Wisconsin. Photo credit: Joshua Abrahams
In addition to the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania mayor, PSR member John Reuwer, MD spoke at the August 6 Hiroshima: Never Again event
On August 8 outside the Japanese Consulate in New York City, Mari Inoue with a letter encouraging Japan to join the ban treaty at the Peace Gathering to Commemorate the 78th Anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, organized by Manhattan Project for a Nuclear-Free World. Ellen Ferranti, MD spoke on behalf of PSR-New York. Photo credit: Ellen Ferranti, MD

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