“Hiroshima, Nagasaki Never Again” echoes across 65 events in 24 statesAugust 25, 2022
On the 77th anniversary of the atomic attacks against Hiroshima (August 6) and Nagasaki (August 9), people participated in at least 65 commemoration events spread across 23 states and DC, most of them local and in-person, in addition to several virtual events. If you participated in one of them, thank you!
There are many ways to commemorate these tragedies, and the events this year included webinars, candlelight vigils, a children’s peace fair, testimony from hibakusha (atomic bomb survivors and their children), film screenings, live music, dedication of a Hiroshima Peace Tree, peace lantern ceremonies, ringing of church bells, trainings, art exhibitions, presentations, rallies, and a commemorative tea ceremony.
In solidarity with other commemorations around the world, these diverse events made for an impressive outpouring of concern over everything that is wrong about using — or threatening to use — nuclear weapons, including the injustice.
What do all these commemorations have in common? Striving to strengthen the 77-year old global taboo against nuclear weapons, and bringing us all back to the center of this mission — to abolish nuclear weapons. Hiroshima/Nagasaki, never again!
At least eleven PSR chapters organized or co-sponsored commemoration events. See below for event photos:
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