Healthcare Not Warfare Cancel Sentinel, Cancel Medical Debt!

Cancel Sentinel, Cancel Medical Debt: 20 million reason to cancel medical debt. Over $200 billion can be better spent.

The Sentinel program, introduced to replace the Minuteman, as the US’ new land-based ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile) will cost Americans up to $265 billion over the next 50 years (until 2075), and possibly even more. 

This is an offensive waste of resources. 

With total medical debt among Americans amounting to $220 billion, canceling this one nuclear weapons program could cancel all medical debt and use the $45 billion left over to provide health coverage for uninsured Americans and invest in public health infrastructure. PSR and many nuclear weapons experts assert these missiles add absolutely nothing to the nation’s security.

We must fix our national priorities. 

The Healthcare not Warfare Coalition is calling on our government to cancel the Sentinel program and cancel medical debt. In a country that outpaces the next 10 in military spending, 40,000 people should not be dying each year due to a lack of medical insurance. We need to fix our national priorities. 

Call on your representatives to cancel Sentinel,
and cancel medical debt

Share Your Story

Healthcare professionals across the country are growing frustrated with the inequity of our healthcare system. When physicians spend more time on the phone with insurance companies to ensure their patients are covered than they spend with their patients, we need to take action. 

Share your story with us of how the healthcare system has impacted your life and work, and why we need change. 

Join voices with healthcare professionals calling to #DemandAccess to healthcare, and divest funds from outrageous military spending. 

Join us in canceling $1 million worth of medical debt in Washington state

Healthcare not Warfare has partnered with Undue Medical Debt, an organization which purchases debt at a steep discount, and eliminates it! 

$1 fundraised by Undue Medical Debt = $100 worth of medical debt abolished

Join us in reaching our goal to cancel $1 million worth of medical debt for Washingtonians! 

What Would You Fund