Celebrating the ban treaty’s “Banniversary” around the United States  January 31, 2023

Members of Prevent Nuclear War Maryland celebrated the anniversary of “Entry Into Force” of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons by bringing roses and certificates of appreciation to the DC embassies of 9 nations that ratified the treaty since January, 2022. Pictured here, Chesapeake PSR President and PSR Board member Gwen DuBois, MD, MPH hands a certificate to Deputy Chief of Mission Isabel Monteiro of Cabo Verde. These visits were among the “Banniversary” actions around the country, many including PSR members.

Nations that sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons agree to have nothing to do with possessing or supporting nuclear weapons. The TPNW was adopted by 122 nations at the UN on July 7, 2017, opened for signature on Sept 20, 2017 and entered into force on Jan 22, 2021.  As of today (Jan 31), 92 nations have signed the TPNW and 68 of those have ratified it. Here is a link to the full list. None of the nuclear-armed countries have signed the TPNW yet.

It seems fitting to refer to January 22 as the “Banniversary.” Activists with Prevent Nuclear War Maryland decided a little positive reinforcement was in order, and so January 24-25,  they visited the DC embassies or consulates of 9 nations that had ratified the TPNW over the last year, delivering certificates of appreciation and flowers to the embassy staff.

Elsewhere around the country, nuclear weapons abolition advocates showed their support for the TPNW at Northampton and Worcester, MA, Livermore CA, Kansas City, MO, Nashville and Oak Ridge, TN, New London, CT, New York City, NY, Salem, OR, Washington, DC, Baltimore, MD, Rochester, NY Taos, NM Colorado Springs, CO, Louisville, KY and Pt. Townsend, WA.  

At the embassy for Timor Leste, Prevent Nuclear War – Maryland presented flowers and a certificate of appreciation to Charge d’affairs Mr. Fonsecados Santos Pereira. Click here see a sample one of these certificates.

The group met with Ambassador Alfonso Quinones of Guatemala.

On January 22, members of the Nuclear Free Future Coalition of Western Massachusetts (including former PSR President Ira Helfand, MD on the left) joined the peace vigil that has been taking place weekly since 1998 on the Main Street of Northampton.

PSR’s Ann Suellentrop, RN (center) helps people imagine a better world at a January 20 event in Kansas City, MO titled “What if we got rid of nukes?” 

Art Milholland, MD, Steering Committee member at Chesapeake Physicians for Social Responsibility, joined a January 22 Banniversary event at the White House organized by nuclearban.us.  Milholland,with white shoes, is holding up the end of the banner next to Sister Carol Gilbert, under the blue umbrella. 

On Friday, January 20, 2023, Tri-Valley CAREs members gathered at the gates of Livermore Lab, California, to observe the second anniversary of the entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

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