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Article in People’s World quoting PSR-Los Angeles staff member Maylene Hughes.
Kiowa County Press article quoting PSR Colorado’s Lauren Swain.
Article in The Philadelphia Inquirer citing research by PSR Pennsylvania.
Op-ed co-authored by Daniel Oppenheim, MD, PSR Maine board member, in the Portland Press Herald.
People’s World article quoting Chesapeake PSR’s Dr. Gwen DuBois.
Letter to the editor in the Boston Globe by Greater Boston PSR Co-Chair Susan Racine, MD.
Chicago Reader article citing PSR-Los Angeles’ Nuclear Costs Calculator.
Op-ed in Capitol Weekly by Bret Andrews, DO, San Francisco Bay PSR board member.
News clip on PSR Wisconsin’s Lanterns for Peace event commemorating the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Letter to the editor by Annemarie Dooley, MD, MS and James Little, MD, Washington PSR, in The Seattle Times.