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The International Committee of the Red Cross and the World Medical Association have issued important and very timely calls for states to join and implement the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
The history of PSR and IPPNW disarmament activism from 1961 to the present, from Harvard Medicine magazine.
The only way to protect human health from nuclear weapons is to eliminate all nuclear arsenals worldwide. But how do we get there from here? A key 2018 strategy for PSR’s Nuclear Weapons Abolition Program is to mobilize local communities.
PSR and forty other national civil rights, labor, conservation and environmental organizations have taken out a series of full page ads calling for the resignation or firing of EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt.
After a harrowing downward spiral in which President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un carelessly exchanged threats and engaged in provocative military actions, we are seeing a ray of…
Health professional groups raise alarm that build-out of drilling and fracking operations is creating a public health crisis. Experts available for interviews. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Elana Simon, Communications Manager,…
Doctors, nurses and other public health professionals came out in force in San Francisco against the Trump administration’s dangerous plan to repeal the Clean Power Plan, the most comprehensive piece…
The Olympic Truce is a tradition that dates back to the original Olympic Games of Ancient Greece. In 2018, the truce is fraught with extra meaning. To cool tensions before…
Dr. Sidel has inspired so many of us in our work for peace, social justice, and health equity. Click here to read PSR members’ tributes to Dr. Sidel. Victor W.…
Last week, a HuffPost reporter leaked a draft of the Trump administration’s new Nuclear Posture Review (NPR). The NPR, which officially defines the role of U.S. nuclear weapons, dangerously increases…