Are you ready? PSR’s Earth Day Campaign starts TOMORROW! April 21, 2021

Tomorrow PSR starts a new type of campaign to engage at least one thousand members and friends in gathering support for our efforts to combat climate change.

From 9am through midnight EDT, you can learn about what Earth Day means to our PSR staff members and Board, and other members just like you!

You can also donate to support the vital work of our Environment and Health Program!

Our campaign has been segmented into five “Giving Hours” — each focusing on a different program area that is vital to the success of our work. Our goal is to have at least 200 PSR members and friends donate during each time period. Every time we meet our participant goals, we’ll “unlock” thousands of dollars in additional support from our generous campaign sponsors.

Winning the fight against climate change will take a great deal of resources, but it also requires all of us coming together to call for change within every community across the country. It is time to re-think our priorities!

Before tomorrow, please forward this message about our Earth Day campaign to your friends, share our notices on Facebook and Instagram, and encourage them to mark their calendar and join us for tomorrow’s campaign.

This Earth Day we have chosen to do an email only appeal so that we do not negatively impact the environment we want to save. If you prefer to make your donation via traditional mail, please email us at and we will mail you a donation envelope.

I deeply appreciate your support and hope to see you tomorrow!


Jeff Carter

P.S. We’ve been asking our members to share what Earth Day means to them on Facebook, Instagram, and via email at If you haven’t yet, please join the conversation on one of these platforms. We’d love to hear from you.

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