An energy efficiency rule is in danger! Contact the Senate today May 21, 2024

This action alert is no longer active

The Senate is trying to overturn a Department of Energy (DOE) rule that is critical to improving energy efficiency in our homes. We need to let them know we support this rule and stand with the DOE in making furnaces more energy efficient to protect our health and climate.

Contact your senators and let them know DOE’s energy efficiency standards on furnaces must stand!

The vote is happening TONIGHT! Start with a phone call to your senators’ offices. Find their phone numbers here. Then follow up with an email via this action alert.

You may be asking yourself, how is it possible that Congress could overturn a rule that has been finalized by an agency? The answer lies in the Congressional Review Act. The Congressional Review Act or CRA gives the House and Senate the ability to overturn rulemakings that have been finalized by agencies. If overturned, the agency cannot issue a “substantially similar” rule in the future without the approval of Congress.

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