Air Pollution from Indoors Pollutes the Outdoors November 2, 2023
PSR partnered with Sierra Club and WeAct for Environmental Justice on the “National Building Pollution Report.” Its subtitle, “The Outdoor Pollution is Coming From Inside the House,” actually tells its story more precisely: that fossil fuel combustion in our homes and buildings contributes to outdoor pollution significantly — and to harm to health and the climate. Read our coauthored report here.
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Order your Vot-ER badge to help patients register to vote!
The Vot-ER Badge is a free, fast, nonpartisan, HIPAA-compliant badge backer to impact your patient’s health beyond the medical care that they receive. Healthcare professionals...
Hiroshima-Nagasaki Events Reflect an Outpouring of Concern
From Hiroshima to Hope, Seattle. Photo credit: Martha Brice With the atomic test called “Trinity,” the United States ushered in an era of new and...
New Resource: Silent Contamination Timeline
PSR’s Nuclear Abolition Academic Intern, Michaela Soucy, as part of her summer 2024 internship created a timeline highlighting the impact of nuclear testing and mining...